地球がある天の川銀河(銀河系)と近傍の巨大銀河アンドロメダ銀河との銀河同士の衝突が、すでに始まっている可能性があるとする最新の研究結果が発表された。 専門誌Nature ...
An international team of astronomers reported in a study Wednesday that the second generation model of Starlink satellites is ...
Two new artificial intelligence institutions within the National Science Foundation will be dedicated to developing AI ...
While the satellites are most visible shortly after launch and near twilight, their effects are felt by observatories ...
Experts warn Lofar telescope could be ‘effectively crippled’ by brighter second-generation V2-mini satellites affecting quiet ...
The new study was published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics on Wednesday (Sept. 18). Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a ...
In the Atacama Desert in Chile, on top of a mountain at 3,000m, the Extremely Large Telescope is being constructed. Inside ...
The phases of Venus, the Aurora Australis and the International Space Station transiting the Sun all feature as category ...
NSF, Simons Foundation to provide funding in support of the establishment of the NSF-Simons AI Institute for Cosmic Origins ...
The two new centers will be called the NSF-Simons AI Institute for Cosmic Origins, abbreviated NSF-Simons CosmicAI, and the ...
Sarah Buchner, the lead science operator at the MeerKAT Radio Telescope, South Africa’s radio telescope is generating ...
Filipinos can once again explore the wonders of the universe with the reopening of the Planetarium at the Department of ...