In his groundbreaking Imagined Communities, first published in 1983, Benedict Anderson argued that members of a community experience a deep, horizontal camaraderie. Despite being strangers, members ...
Curiously, though, the most highly regarded study of nationalism remains Imagined Communities, Benedict Anderson’s 1983 book in which he coined the famous term. Nearly half a century old and ...
The paper aims to refine Benedict Anderson's (1983) concept of "imagined communities" by bringing in a gender-sensitive perspective. At the same time, the paper calls into question the notion of ...
In this article I focus mainly on the role and importance of individual people, including Irish people, rather than on states ...
In his book, Imagined Communities, political scientist Benedict Anderson poses a theory that nations — and by extension, nationalism — are social constructs created by humans to better organize ...
“It (nation) presupposes a past: however, it is epitomized in the present by a tangible fact: consent, the clearly expressed ...
Featuring a strikingly charismatic yet grounded performance from its leading actor, HENRY V presents a compelling study of ...
For example, if you want to mention that there is an idea of “imagined communities,” it suffices to cite, for example, Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities. However, if the idea invoked forms just ...
Republic of them
Othering of any identity group doesn’t hurt it alone. Whole of society is endangered The nation has two broad sets of ontologies. One, that it is a modern, historical creation. Or, as Benedict ...
As Benedict Anderson’s analysis of nationalism suggests, this emergence as ‘an imagined political community’ involved a complex cultural process rooted in changing perceptions of community, language ...
Election stress can lead to sleepless nights. Source: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels You turn off your devices. You go to bed at a regular time. You set a comfortable room temperature. You sleep in a ...
People are buzzing about things Benedictine lately, particularly with the publication of Rod Dreher’s The Benedict Option ... work in our lives. Anderson never imagined being the Supreme ...