Navigating through a hi-res 3D image of the fruit fly brain. The colored balls indicate the density of synapses on a subset of the neurons in the brain: those that respond to dopamine. The balls ...
Manifestation is about envisioning what you want to help it become a reality one day. In the book Mind Magic, James R. Doty, ...
A virtual version of a fruit fly’s visual system could help scientists understand how brain networks process information. The ...
Astrobiologist Nathalie Cabrol seeks answers to two key questions: Are we alone in the universe? How did life on Earth begin ...
It has been unclear how to build simulations of entire neural circuits with only measurements from a dead fly’s brain. Using machine learning to combine a wiring diagram with knowledge of the ...
Scientists have created a virtual brain network that can predict the behavior of individual neurons in a living brain. The model is based on a fruit fly’s visual system, and it offers scientists ...
HAMILTON: And Macke says there's no good way to see all the information traveling through a living brain, even one as simple as a fruit fly's. MACKE: Brains are so complex that I think the only ...