A concentric castle is a castle with two or more concentric curtain walls, such that the outer wall is lower than the inner and can be defended from it. [1] The layout was square (at Belvoir and ...
Warfare The Crusaders learned more about warfare. Concentric castles - with two curtain (outer) walls - were developed during the crusades, and these ideas were used to improve and fortify castles ...
So the keep was discarded in favour of a concentric design. These castles are often called "Edwardian" after Edward I, who perfected the style in the castles he built in Scotland and Wales. Concentric ...
Baileys can be arranged in sequence along a hill (as in a spur castle), giving an upper bailey and lower bailey. They can also be nested one inside the other, as in a concentric castle, giving an ...
his type of castle usually had one entrance defended by gatehouse. As the gatehouse was the only way to enter the castle, it would have been focused upon during an attack. During the construction of a ...
And castles built with an outer wall around the curtain wall were known as concentric castles. Inside domestic life often centred around the Great Hall where the wealthy could entertain guests ...
Last entry to the castle is 30 minutes before closing. From 1 January, due to important conservation and maintenance work, access to the castle may be limited. Last ticket sold to the castle at 3.20pm ...
A 13th-century ruin atop a sheer cliff, Carreg Cennen is one of the most dramatically sited of Welsh castles. It's a stiff climb, but worth it just for the atmosphere. The site may well have been used ...