This conclusion concerns the timing of emigration. It does not mean that fluctuations in the prosperity of the destination countries determined the rate of emigration from Europe. The decision to ...
In Europe 1600 – 1815 over 1100 objects from the V&A’s collections of 17th- and 18th-century European art and design are displayed in a suite of seven galleries. The collection comprises some of the ...
Some countries are more lovable than others — but which countries in Europe are the best to live in and visit? Europe — the land of high culture, high fashion, delicious food and centuries-spanning ...
While global concern has understandably focused on the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States itself has ...
ポーランド北部にある港湾都市、グダンスク(グダニスクとも)。14世紀にハンザ同盟都市として発展し、第二次世界大戦が開戦した地としても知られる古都だ。さまざまな時代の建物が並ぶカラフルな旧市街を訪れ、モトワヴァ運河を行き交う船を眺めながら一休 ...
Energy economists believe the disparities in charging costs across Europe can be attributed to several factors, including the source of electricity, taxes, and government policies, with countries ...
Although, one of the most widely utilized energy sources in Europe over the past century, growing climate change awareness has led to many countries adopting coal exit strategies. Decommissioning ...
The Court’s rulings ensured that the Council of Europe Member States should avoid extradition of individuals to countries where the death penalty could be applied. The Council of Europe supports ...
※カイリ率グラフは株価チャートで2番目に選定した移動平均線(赤色)に対するカイリ率を表示しています。 ※年足チャートは、1968年以前に実施 ...
主に A of B の形で,AとBが1つの場の中で一体的に関わるさまを表す. a friend of mine 私の友人(の1人). 2 【属性】〔A of B〕Bの属性のA(解説的語義) goo辞書は無料で使える辞書・辞典の検索サービスです。1999 ...