Medical anthropologist and bioethicist Julia Brown says scientists and nonscientists need to talk about whether and how we should use CRISPR to edit the fetal genome. When you purchase through ...
The division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine specializes in the diagnosis and management of obstetric, medical, surgical, and fetal complications of pregnancy. Provide genetic screening and counseling ...
Despite a historic drop in fetal deaths in the U.S., Black mothers are still twice as likely to lose a fetus compared with white mothers, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease ...
Markers for major fetal structural abnormalities comprise the first type; the second type of markers are known as "soft markers" of aneuploidy. These latter markers are nonspecific, often ...
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a big issue in Northland, affecting as many as one in 10 children in the Far North. As many as one in 10 Far North children could be affected by fetal ...
The rapid fetal fibronectin (fFN) test helps medical teams decide whether women who present with contractions early in pregnancy should be evacuated to major hospitals, or whether they're safe to ...
Sameer Raniga, MD, DNB; P.D. Desai, MD; Hetal Parikh, MD The most commonly studied soft markers of aneuploidy include a thickened nuchal fold, rhizomelic limb shortening, mild fetal pyelectasis ...