use in free educational lectures and classes use on an individual or group's website discussing the artwork in question (except on websites where the individual is promoting themselves or a group, ...
use in free educational lectures and classes use on an individual or group's website discussing the artwork in question (except on websites where the individual is promoting themselves or a group, ...
This hilly landscape does not resemble Clausen's depictions of the Essex countryside and possibly relates to his visit to Scotland in 1929 (see also RA 05/602). Explore art works, paint-smeared ...
Philip Reinagle trained with Allan Ramsay and began his career as a portraitist. He soon moved away from this genre, however, and by 1800 he was known as a landscape and animal painter. The exhibition ...
This image can be used for non-commercial research or private study purposes, and other UK exceptions to copyright permitted to users based in the United Kingdom ...
Forming part of the Pennines, it is an upland landscape of gritstone fells ... muddy terrain that rolled through hilly peaks and troughs. Paul’s wheels got momentarily stuck in some mud until ...
In the background the profile of one hillside overlaps another, establishing a clear sense of depth. There is a sketch of a similar subject on the verso (D20435; CCXXIV 134v). For the grouping and ...
This is a delicate pencil, watercolour and gouache sketch with features of the landscape modelled in tones of ochre and a cluster of trees captured with bold strokes of black. Finberg’s 1909 Inventory ...
ATHENS: When a wildfire tore down a hillside towards Athens last month, its southernmost flank halted in a treeless area ...
This object does not yet have a description. [Sotheby & Co., London, sale July 9, 1974, lot 264.] Stuart Cary Welch, Jr., Warner, New Hampshire (by 1976 - 2008), by descent; to his estate (2008-2009), ...