"Human evolution has occurred both due to, and in spite of, the placenta. Every pregnancy, unthinkingly, must navigate a ...
New discoveries continuously refine our perspective, with many breakthroughs reported regularly. Whether revolutionary or ...
We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of an organ that passed very quietly from this world on the day that you ...
Many of these life-forms do have biorhythms, synchronised to stimuli other than light. Naked mole rats spend their entire ...
A team of researchers from the University of Cape Town (South Africa) and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary ...
Scientists have suspected that modern humans have more genes to digest starch than our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but the ...
If you watch her documentary Jane Fonda in Five Acts or read her autobiography and her books on aging and climate change, ...
Following someone’s gaze may seem like a simple act, but it has profound implications for the evolution of intelligence. And ...
The evolution of bones in primates' knees could have implications for how humans evolved to walk upright, a new study has ...
The ancient coelacanth, which has existed for some 419 million years, never stopped evolving despite its reputation as a ...
WWE legend Dave ‘Batista’ Bautista opened up on the positive effect his dramatic body transformation has had on him with a heartfelt statement.
Access VIDEO, photos and captions hereClimate change and asteroids are linked with animal origin and extinction - and plate tectonics also seems to ...