独立行政法人情報処理推進機構(IPA)は9月17日、PCを使用中に突然、画面全体に偽のメッセージが表示され、キーボードやマウスが操作不能になったという相談が寄せられているとして情報を公開した。今年の6月から発生しており、再起動しても状況が変わらないと ...
iOS18とiPadOS18では、ホーム画面のカスタマイズの自由度が上がり、アプリアイコンの色をユーザーがカスタマイズ可能となります。しかし、一部のアイコンは思ったように色を変更できない場合があります。その原因と対処方法を、米メディア9to5Macがまとめ ...
Police commandeered a jet ski overnight to rescue two fishermen clinging to a sinking boat at Lake Macquarie.
Josh Leeson is an entertainment and features journalist, specialising in music, at the Newcastle Herald. He first joined the ...
As a frequent passerby or visitor to Warrnambool's airport for some plane spotting, I could not miss the slogan on the back ...
NSW police issued 117 speeding offences, and 15 drunk driving related-charges in the Hunter region as part of a four-day ...
I never wanted to be a journalist. As a kid from Orange, growing up young and regional, our options were limited. In Year 12, ...
A first-time candidate for Moyne Shire Council is standing for "personal liberty" including the "freedom of thought and ...
Despite the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, Australians are chucking out a third of all food, often under faulty logic, new ...
Almost a week after his distinctive mugshot circulated online, Jacob Nyrhinen handed himself in to police to face allegations ...