Wikipedia has come under fire after replacing its entry on Zionism, the idea that Jewish people have a right to ...
The Jews are indigenous to the Land of Israel. Although this language wasn’t always used, the Jewish connection to the Land ...
In recognition of his sacrifice and to honor his memory, it is time for Israel to open the gates and bring the descendants of ...
Ludwig von Mises was a champion of an ideal of liberty in an age of central planning and socialism. In his book Liberalism, the state is “the social apparatus ...
One of our chief criteria for evaluating and choosing our leaders are the teachings of Jesus calling us to help the ...
Be that sin-bearing servant who refuses to give God peace until he establishes his righteousness in the earth. Isaiah says: ...
The current protests and last year’s demonstrations against judicial reform both show strong public opposition to the most ...
Lolita at Leonard’s of Great Neck and Other Stories from Before Times” by Shira Dicker and “Adam Unrehearsed” by Don ...
From the suffocating feelings of pain, fear, and despair, I heard them focus on gratitude and felt a quick breath of fresh ...
The ancient artifact, which experts say was at least 3,500 years old, was on display without a glass case near the entrance ...
The ancient stone amulet is "one of the most beautiful ever discovered and could could change the archeological timeline of ...
The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume ... Those who didn’t had inboxes full of rejections.