Mark Golding, Opposition leader and president of the People’s National Party (PNP), says he will contest local government ...
Dr Peter Phillips, former President of the People's National Party, has described the calling of a by election in St ...
Scores of placard-bearing residents again converged at the entrance of the Municipal Corporation on Thursday morning, demanding that Mayor of Morant Bay Louis Chin immediately call the by-election. Mr ...
米大統領選の中間の年に連邦議会の上下両院、州知事などの選挙が一斉に実施される中間選挙が11月8日に投開票されます。 2020米大統領選 2020年11 ...
ハリス氏が当選したらどうなる?トランプ氏が返り咲いたら? 事実上の公約やこれまでの発言から政策をわかりやすく解説 ...
「エネルギー」について、ハリス氏とトランプ氏それぞれの主張は。 バイデン、ハリス両氏が正副大統領を務める現政権は、気候変動を政権の最 ...
バイデン米大統領が11月の大統領選から撤退を表明して28日で1週間。民主党は後継にハリス副大統領を指名する方向で結束 ...
米大統領選を前に、共和党候補であるトランプ前大統領(78)の安全が脅かされる事件が再び起きた。暗殺を計画していたとみられる男は訴追さ ...
The Bahamas, Jamaica, Belize and Haiti are the CARICOM member states which have been listed by the US President as Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries for Fiscal Year 2025. In ...
Looks like there is a new neighborhood association in Jamaica Plain, and they’re having their inaugural meeting on Sept. 10 to discuss things that neighborhood associations discuss. The most ...
Two dozen soldiers and police officers from Jamaica arrived in Haiti on Thursday to join a U.N.-backed mission led by Kenya ...
Family is at the forefront of Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign, and she speaks frequently and fondly of her late mother’s ...