The series, titled “Manshu Ahen Squad” (Manchuria opium squad), is running in Shukan Young Magazine, a manga weekly published by Kodansha Ltd. The story is set in Manchukuo, Japan’s 1932 ...
The test of Japan's failure or success in Manchukuo lies in facts like that, and in the fact that the excess of Japanese imports over exports for the first half of 1937 was Yen 600,000,000, nearly ...
Manchukuo was a puppet state established in large part by the Imperial Japanese Army about a century ago. Recent research has uncovered the dark side of Manchukuo and the huge influence played by ...
And, according to scholars of media history, understanding the cat postcards of the early 20th Century might help us to understand social media today. Courtesy of the Edwardian Postcard Project ...
Tall, lanky Henry Walsworth Kinney, public relations director for Japan’s South Manchuria Railway, who boasts proudly of his Japanese artist-wife and her step-motherly care of his part Hawaiian ...
A family met for the first time thanks to a postcard that was delivered to their ancestors' childhood home 121 years after it was first sent. The Swansea Building Society, a mortgage loan business ...
Newsclown Will Rogers paused at Hsinking. the capital of Manchukuo’s puppet Emperor to remark:*”This country is so mad at Russia they’ve broken off the diplomatic relations that never ...
The 2024 Postcard Project has been a stark reminder of this paradox. These tiny semi-public messages from one person to another, exposed to the world to see, offer examples of someone being brave ...
After media stories about the late postcard relatives (left to right) Helen Roberts, Nick Davies, Margaret Spooner and Faith Reynolds got together for the first time A postcard which was delivered ...
I became a one-way pen pal for democracy in 2018, writing letters and postcards to strangers in the lead-up to that year’s midterm elections. I had spent the months before marching for women ...
Aug. 20 (UPI) --A postcard arrived at its intended destination in Wales 121 years after the date on its postmark. The Swansea ...