おしゃれで流行に敏感なプロ野球選手を取り上げる企画「NPB MEN'S CLUB」。今回はロッテの愛斗外野手(27)だ。大のスニーカー好きで、コレクターでもある男が、ファッションへのこだわりなどを語り尽くした。(取材・大内 辰祐) ...
There are different types of coats for men with unique designs ideal for casual or formal wears. Some of the coats have ...
Frances Tiafoe, known for his maximalist style on and off the court, thinks men’s tennis fashion is just getting started ...
Jason Kelce opted for a more laidback look compared to his Monday Night Countdown colleagues for his second week as an ESPN ...
KinKi Kidsの堂本剛が18日発売の『MEN’S EX Autumn 2024』(世界文化社)の表紙に登場。独占インタビューにも対応した。 【別カット】「珍しい」と語るコート姿の堂本剛 ...
Hats have always been a significant part of men’s fashion. They are versatile accessories that can elevate any outfit, ...
Gentlemen, it’s time to level up your wardrobe for fall! Whether you’re aiming for that dapper look for a fancy dinner or a ...
Shamly Nawaz is tipped to take over the Sri Lanka Women’s outfit, which will lock horns in Nepal. In addition, the Sri Lanka ...
バスケットボールのBリーグは17日、転職サイト「ビズリーチ」を通じ、クラブがビジネス人材を公募するプロジェクトを始めたと発表した。優秀 ...
株式会社世界文化社は、『MEN'S EX Autumn2024』を9月18日(水)に発売します。表紙&COVER STORY(インタビュー)に、堂本 ...
There was little fear for the three sides who progressed into the Sports Direct Men’s FAI Cup semi-finals on Friday thanks to ...
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