Over 30 per cent of Ireland’s young people have not received a single compliment in the last month, according to youth mental ...
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.” So said Albert Schweitzer. Maybe. No one can quite remember if ...
One of the research authors is Dr David Mothersill, a neuroscientist and associate professor at NCI. He has a PhD from ...
A third of beds at the Central Mental Hospital in Portrane remain closed because of staffing issues. Picture: Colin ...
Calls have now been made for an interdepartmental response to homelessness by both the Department of Housing and Department ...
A leading homeless charity has highlighted the need for long-term solutions for Ireland’s housing crisis, following an 85% ...
New research has identified worrying trends in the mental health of Irish teenagers, including an increase in suicide ...
As social media and mobile phones continue to impact the mental health of young people, a new campaign hopes to raise ...
Mr Finnegan’s new role as a mental health advisor has been created as an additional service to support students ...
Persistent underfunding is having a long-term impact on the mental health system, says Mental Health Reform interim chief ...
Describing what it said was a “profound mental health crisis” facing those in temporary accommodation, Depaul said “on any ...
The new centre for people with mental illness issues that is currently being built on Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas is ...