Florida conservation program manager Maggie Winchester-Weiler says the U.S. location with the most volunteers is Miami-Dade ...
【読売新聞】 神田外語大の興梠一郎教授と笹川平和財団の小原凡司・上席フェローが17日、BS日テレの「深層NEWS」に出演し、中国が強引な海洋進出を続ける南シナ海情勢について議論した。 フィリピン当局が、南シナ海の自国の排他的経済水域 ...
Ocean Conservancy calls for volunteers worldwide to join the 39th International Coastal Cleanup®, the world’s largest ...
【ウィルミントン(米デラウェア州)時事】日米豪印4カ国の協力枠組み「クアッド」の首脳会議が21日午後(日本時間22日午前)、米東部デラウェア州ウィルミントン近郊で開かれた。 ...
While exploring the Tonga Trench in the Southwestern Pacific Ocean, researchers captured extremely rare footage of a ...
Carrick on Shannon residents committee led a clean-up along the Shannon River quays and walkways, collecting 58kg of litter.
Kerry beaches are four tonnes of litter lighter this week after the mammoth efforts of the over 650 volunteers who took part ...
In Tipperary, 15 groups and close to 300 volunteers removed an estimated 1.7 tonnes of marine litter with clean-ups taking ...
In Louth, around 20 groups and about 400 volunteers removed an estimated 2.3 tonnes of marine litter with clean-ups taking ...
On Saturday morning, a group of volunteers on St. Croix participated in a beach cleanup at Dorsch Beach in Frederiksted. The ...