You won’t find detailed listings of pharmacologic agents, dosing schema, and their cardiac effects or the embryologic underpinnings of AV canal defects. It is aimed instead at the much larger audience ...
Primum (2 patients), secundum (68 patients) and sinus defects (4 patients). § Surgical branch of the study. TEE = Transesophageal echocardiography. *Children and adults. † Percutaneous branch ...
(1) The elimination of bugs in software and flaws in hardware. Defect management is part of a software or hardware development project. (2) The prevention of data errors in a storage medium by ...
Drivers are more likely to multitask and not pay close attention when using partial automation systems, doing things like eating, grooming ,using electronics, and some even engage in this kind of ...
However, Toyota's stellar reputation has taken a major hit recently, as a major defect affecting one of its most trusted ...
In an article published in the journal Nature, researchers focused on the detection and monitoring of partial discharge ... including manufacturing defects, aging, and environmental exposure ...
Get ready for a partial lunar eclipse and supermoon, all rolled into one. The spectacle will be visible in clear skies across North America and South America Tuesday night and in Africa and Europe ...
Alexandra Canal is a New York-based Senior Reporter at Yahoo Finance who covers the business of Hollywood, media and entertainment, and beyond. Alexandra's reporting ranges from breaking news ...