"Modern abstract art can be so beautiful." The collection of world-renowned contemporary art collector François Pinot has ...
In Korean folk paintings, genre paintings, and other traditional arts, humor is expressed by criticizing the ... and can be found among modern painters who humorously interpret political and religious ...
현대미술계 핵심 리비아 공주가 말하는 '문화예술계를 움직이는 힘' , [arte]에이드리언 청의 아트 살롱 리비아 공주 알리아 알 세누시 박사가 말하는 K11 국제 위원회와 문화의 힘 Princess Alia ...
시국선언 '우리 모두 일어나 나라를 지킵시다' 제안·서명자들은 9월20일 서울 중구 프란치스코 교육회관에서 긴급 기자회견을 열고 "윤석열 정권 2년 반 만에 나라가 밑뿌리부터 흔들리고 있다. 더 이상 두고 볼 수 없다."며, ...
"Project Temporary Marking" by Malaysian artist Zulkefli Jais, featured at the 15th Gwangju Biennale. Honored by the presence ...
A two-day food art, and wellness festival featuring exciting collaborations between some of Thailand's finest chefs, a creative bar takeover, art therapy workshops, and more – plus all profits go to c ...
Kim Jeong-sang, a professor of electronic and computer engineering at Duke University, said that the U.S. and China will not ...
BEIJING, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from China.org.cn: "Tashi Delek!" The 5th China Xizang Internet ...
Image generated by artificial intelligence in Tokyo on January 31, 2023 ( AFP / RICHARD A. BROOKS)Google CEO Sundar Pichai ...