August 26, 2024, Video: "Kevin Hassett, Hoover Institution distinguished visiting fellow and former CEA chair under President Trump, and Jason Furman, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government economics ...
This is somewhat similar to what we call price gouging in the United States. Price gouging occurs when businesses calculatedly raise the price of goods, services, or commodities to an excessively ...
多分僕はカートゥーン調の表現が好きなのかもしれない。最近色々作品を見ていて、その中でも惹かれるのはカートゥーン調の作品。あの独特のポップ感が好き。自分の描くイラストでも、そうゆう表現を取り入れていきたいな、と日に日に思う。 僕の中の ...
Despite not being explicit, VP Harris' platform mentions "price gouging" multiple times, whether it is grocery bills or rental rates, and vows to prevent it by working with Congress. The details ...
INDUSTRY, Investment and Commerce Minister Senator Aubyn Hill has warned that agencies in his ministry will be going after businesses found to be engaging in price gouging. Since the passage of ...
Corporations that overcharge consumers could be fined up to $50 million, under a federal Greens proposal to outlaw price gouging.
Corporations that overcharge consumers could be fined up to $50 million, under a federal Greens proposal to outlaw price gouging. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.
特に今年はバットマン誕生から85周年目を迎える特別な年だ。 これに合わせ、映画専門チャンネル「ムービープラス」とアニメ専門チャンネル「カートゥーン ネットワーク」では、クリストファー・ノーラン監督による「ダークナイト」3部作を含む特集を ...