The church is supernatural and functions in the miraculous. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to ...
It’s a question that crosses many of our minds often, and its understandable considering what we witness in society today.
"Coming to know Jesus Christ is the most important thing we can do in this life," said BYU–Pathway President Brian K. Ashton during the opening devotional for fall semester.
Many today trust feelings and mysterious happenings as being a sign of the Spirit directing their lives. Such a belief is mistaken, and is a faulty guide in spiritual matters. My brother in Christ, ...
At such a juncture the individual’s forward march depends upon the person who shows some mercy on the lonely individual who ...
No other president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has lived as long as President Russell M. Nelson.
Time there was in the animal kingdom when the land was beseeched mercilessly by predators, animals scammers, pick pockets, illusionists, poets, hustlers each and all doubling as animals pastors, ...
But then came an opportunity to meet and speak with Elder Uchtdorf, an experience that strengthened Cratty’s testimony of ...
Ahead of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' semi-annual General Conference, you might find yourself wondering, ...
Manager Mode ensures stability, order, and predictable growth, which is crucial for large organizations. And without large ...
“The apostle with the longest seniority in the office of apostle presides,” President Nelson said in 2014. “That system of ...
The foundation of the church is Jesus, the chief cornerstone, but it’s pillars of support rest on apostolic doctrine: “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with ...