中国広東省深圳にある日本人学校近くで、同校に通う男児(10)が男に刺されて20日、死亡した。中国では6月にも江蘇省蘇州で、スクールバスで日本人学校に通う子供らが襲われる事件が起きている。政府は中国本土9都市に11ある日本人学校に通う子供の安全確保を徹 ...
Staff has proposed six scenarios on how to best fill the 2,150 seats at the new school, set to open in August 2026, while ...
【広州共同】中国広東省深センで日本人男子児童(10)が中国人の男に刺殺された事件を受け、同省広州市の日本人学校は児童生徒を送迎する全てのスクールバスに警備員を同乗させる方針を決めた。関係者が26日明らかにした。国慶節(建国記念日)の連休明け… ...
Nothing shapes a community’s future more than the health of its public schools. That’s why Hillsborough County voters should ...
It’s been a dangerous year on Minnesota’s roads. More than 320 people have died on Minnesota roads as of Sept. 20. During the ...
qathet School District (qSD) interim superintendent of schools' Vianne Kintzinger reported at the September 25 board meeting ...
A furious dad blasted a bus company's timetable after his little girl's new school hours left her trudging more than a mile ...
Most afternoons, Paisley Brodie calls her mother when she gets to the public library four blocks from her middle school on ...
While sobbing on the call, she told a Barrow County 911 operator that she was afraid her nephew was involved in the horror at ...