Typically, scientific data is clustered thematically, with key findings flanked by supporting evidence. Graphically, this can translate as a large central panel A accompanied by smaller panels B, C, ...
Unusual tusks on preserved skulls of dicynodonts influenced the look of a mythical beast painted by Southern Africa’s San people, a researcher suspects.
At the end of a corridor at Aalto University in Finland, I heave open a heavy door, enter a room and find myself standing – ...
At Harvard and beyond, we’re overlooking the need for exposure to STEM among students in non-STEM fields, with serious ...
The artwork suggests that the San people of South Africa have an Indigenous knowledge of paleontology that predated Western ...
Because empathy can allow people to connect across political, racial and economic divides, it lays a foundation for acts of ...
What does a Harvard Business School professor’s decision to sue the professors who raised questions about her research bode ...
In promising experiments, phage therapy forces bacteria into a no-win dilemma that lowers their defenses against drugs they’d ...
J. B. S. Haldane was one of the great scientific minds of the twentieth century and played an important role in the ...
No oncologist would wait for a patient's cancer to spread before treating it. Similarly, waiting to detect the potential loss ...
Forests are essential for life on Earth. Because they produce oxygen and help regulate the balance of carbon dioxide and ...
Andrew Cuomo said he could not recall seeing or revising a New York State Health Department report on how the state handled ...