1. Build assignments that ask students to personalize their work, drawing from local context and/or personal experiences.
In a perspective, Holly C. White and colleagues argue that student well-being should be a goal of pedagogy, along with ...
The way we educate our students must keep pace with technological advancements and changing learning dynamics. Gone are the ...
The Socratic Mind is a scalable, AI-powered oral assessment platform leveraging Socratic questioning to challenge students to ...
In a Perspective, Holly C. White and colleagues argue that student well-being should be a goal of pedagogy, along with traditional metrics such as GPA ...
If the words AI and assessment are in the same sentence, the knee-jerk reaction is panic, as fears of technophobia, ...
The new Adelaide University – an amalgamation of the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia – will no ...
“I could not agree more with your assessment of the big ... Several years later, an unsanctioned bench burning put the ...
Storytelling can bridge the gap between complex STEM content and student engagement – it gives learners a discovery-based ...
The app also contains a library section, including your library ID card, allowing you to pass through our entry and exit ...
Fauquier County students demonstrated strong performance in all subjects during the 2023-24 school year Standards of Learning ...
‘Eerste stap is uitvoeren assessment’ Langdurige hitte en droogte maken bossen brandbaarder. Zodra een brand begint, is deze ...