米国がロシアのメディア数社に制裁を課したことを受けての措置 動画共有プラットフォームTikTokは、RTインターナショナルとスプートニク・メディア・ネットワークのいくつかの支局のアカウントを削除した。 この取り締まりは、米国がRTを含むいくつかの ...
ロシアのクライム系SF作品。 このジャケットから想像できてしまうようなエイリアンと人間の戦いではないです(^^;) 宇宙飛行士の地球への帰還とともに地球にたどり着いてしまったエイリアンの話。 キモ怖いのが好きな方におすすめです(*`・ω ...
Russia has established a weapons program in China to develop and produce long-range attack drones for use in the war against ...
Russian officials are making a huge push across the country to boost birth rates and get women to procreate by encouraging ...
During a meeting with Russia’s Security Council, Putin explained that these changes address new global threats and risks. At ...
The UN and other bodies set up in the wake of World War Two, are struggling to cope effectively with today’s global threats ...
Russia will pursue its own climate-related goals and put forward proposals on tackling global warming as an alternative to the agenda promoted by the West, Deputy Energy Minister Pavel Sorokin said on ...
高血圧、むくみを防ぐ栄養成分を含む?! 今が旬のすごい野菜とは 来日10回以上の“日本通”ハーバード教員が毎回感動する ...
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued a much-anticipated general amnesty, granting pardons for a range of crimes including ...
Russell Bentley, a U.S. national who went missing in Russian-controlled eastern Ukraine early this year, is believed to have ...
Israel says it hit more than 2,000 targets in Lebanon in three days 21:48 The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) ...
Hours after the Ukrainian president appealed for the West’s continued support, Russia’s authoritarian leader, Vladimir V.