An example of PNS myelinated nerve fiber is shown. (B) Illustration of transverse section of myelinated axon at the internode. (C) Light microscopy of a mouse sciatic nerve at lower magnification.
Intimate ViewTwo hundred sections of a piece of mouse brain, each less than 1/1,000 the thickness of a human hair, are readied to be imaged by an electron microscope. Arranged in stacks ...
The human brain includes two hemispheres connected by a bundle of nerves. The left hemisphere controls movement for the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere directs the left side.
Timmann, D. Gerwig, M. Frings, M. Maschke, M. and Kolb, F. P. 2005. Eyeblink conditioning in patients with hereditary ataxia: a one-year follow-up study. Experimental ...
The cerebellum is a brain region responsible for movement and motor control. The research findings are published in the Jan. 31 issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Scientists have ...
Although it accounts for about 10% of the brain's mass, the cerebellum contains nearly 80% of the brain's neurons. "A longstanding assumption about cerebellar function has been that it only ...
However, these lesions localized to a brain network, connected to the cerebellum. Ataxia is a neurological condition characterized by difficulty in coordinating voluntary movements. Ataxia occurs ...
Sep. 13, 2024 — A drug that delivers chemotherapy directly to tumors has shown impressive activity against some of the hardest-to-reach cancer cells: those that have spread to the brain in ...
An analysis of tissue samples from nearly 1,200 older adults found that the more insertions individuals had, the younger they died.
Adolescence: always a problem. Such thinking carried into the late 20th century, when researchers developed brain-imaging technology that enabled them to see the teen brain in enough detail to ...
In the first weeks after birth, brain volume is typically about a third of what it will be in adulthood. By age 3, it will have expanded to about 80 percent of adult size. While most of the brain ...