At the age of 23 Marc Koska came up with an invention credited with saving millions of lives. Forty years later, he thinks ...
Thanks to vaccinations, measles was declared eliminated in the U.S. in 2000. But measles cases are now back; one reason is ...
The vaccine may be the first effective solution against cattle anaplasmosis, an infectious and potentially deadly disease ...
A tiny skin patch half the size of a postage stamp is about to be tested in Melbourne to see if it can safely deliver a ...
The pharma industry has been in a real economic and financial boom for 20 years, which is supported by recent technical ...
Without us, horses would be nowhere, and vice-versa. It was a partnership — our brains and their brawn — that truly changed ...
The poxes, Jenner determined, must be related. Jenner invented a way to prevent smallpox by giving people vaccines that ...
Anyone who has watched even snippets of the two political conventions and campaigning since then can see and even feel the ...
NPR's coverage of their effort to invent an mRNA vaccine that would be free for all countries to manufacture brought them an ...
Professor Bantval Jayant Baliga of North Carolina State University won this year's Millennium Technology Prize for his ...
It is not just a new, more modern, ecological and connected factory, but a revolution in the way we will manufacture vaccines ...
If that answer makes no sense to you, that’s because it’s incomprehensible even to people who study conspiracy theories. It ...