De eerste lange documentaire van de Zweedse cineast Maria Fredriksson, met soms behoorlijk pijnlijke familietaferelen, ...
Grote kans dat je na het zien van The Gullspang Miracle in een verhitte discussie verzeild raakt. De documentaire van de ...
In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) willen Jim Carrey en Kate Winslet na het eindigen van hun relatie al hun ...
In de documentaire The Gullspång Miracle ontmoeten twee zussen iemand die het evenbeeld is van hun overleden zus. Wat daarop ...
Making movies requires so many people, so much money, and so much good luck, that it’s surprising that any of them are good.
Grote kans dat je na het zien van The Gullspang Miracle in een verhitte discussie verzeild raakt. De documentaire van de ...
The High Holiday season is upon us. Teshuvah — a central tenet of these holidays — literally translates to “return,” but what ...
Remakes, when handled with the utmost respect, can accentuate the immortality of a given tale. Films like A Star Is Born are ...
FLASHBACKS: The producers wanted Tom Cruise. The creek in its most famous scene was toxic. And barely anyone saw it upon ...
Elaine Hall sat in her Los Angeles home office, trying to work, but the banging coming from the kitchen kept getting louder.
The novelist’s nonprofit, the Nicholas Sparks Foundation, is dedicated to global education. Since 2006, Mr. Sparks said, he ...