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Murray Elder (UTS) Tony Martin (ANU) Adam Piggott (ANU) Kane Townsend (ANU) Vandit Trivedi (ANU) Invited Speakers Ilaria Castellano (Bielefeld) Title and Abstract TBA Adam Chapman (MTA) Title: ...
After reading hundreds and hundreds of PhD theses, we accidentally discovered how to write the perfect PhD acknowledgement: it's a kind of poetry. Working on the Clever Cockie Project, Dr Julia ...
Food systems and food security research present numerous opportunities for multidisciplinary science.
I will present the MegaMove project resulting from a unique transdisciplinary collaboration between 378 biologists, ecologists, physicists, oceanographers and modelers , as a pathway to answer this ...
Melting of ice sheets adds water into the ocean basins. The corresponding rise in sea level is, however, by no means spatially uniform. Presented by Dr. Mark Hoggard.
Imagine a world where we can treat cancer with pinpoint accuracy, targeting only the cancer cells and leaving healthy cells untouched. Presented by Associate Professor Tamas Fischer & Associate ...
Explore our guide for students containing practical advice on everything you need to know about relocating to Australia for your studies at the Australian National University. If you decide to become ...
This symposium will explore both the potential and the pitfalls of LLMs, and how we can responsibly harness their capabilities to align with the goals of scientists and science communicators.
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