An aerial shot is a camera angle that provides a birds eye view of a scene by filming from an elevated position such as a crane or drone. An aerial shot is a camera angle that provides a birds eye ...
Affective Memory is an acting technique where actors recall emotions of past experiences to re-experience them within the context of the scene. Affective Memory is an acting technique where actors ...
A boom mic is a microphone mounted on a pole, used to capture dialogue, ambience and other audio on set. A boom mic is a microphone mounted on a pole, used to capture dialogue, ambience and other ...
“Back to ones” is a phrase used by the director or assistant director on TV and films sets. It instructs the actors and crew to return to their starting positions and reset the scene for another take.
Ad-libs are improvised lines and actions that aren’t in the original script.
Actors Access is an online casting platform for actors in the United States & Canada to view and submit to casting breakdowns for TV, film and theater productions. Actors Access is an online casting ...
So you want to become an actor? Great! But where do you start? Unfortunately, unlike more traditional careers, there isn’t one guaranteed pathway to entering ...
Iambic pentameter is a rhythmic pattern consisting of ten syllables per line, where each line alternates between unstressed and stressed syllables. It’s known to resemble natural speech rhythm and is ...
Emotional Memory, also known as emotion memory or is a controversial acting technique, popularised by Konstantin Stanislavski, where an actor uses memories to re-experience emotion. Emotional Memory ...
A black box is a studio or theatre space with black walls. The space can be used flexibly and can be customised to fit the directors needs. They provide a modern, intimate and creative space for ...
The phrase “bums on seats” refers to the number of audience members attending a performance. Therefore, the producer wants to get as many “bums on seats” as possible. The phrase “bums on seats” refers ...
Video Village is a designated area on set where video monitors are set up for the director and production team to view footage. Video Village is a designated area on set where video monitors are set ...