The coupling of an enthroned Virgin with a Crucifixion was common in the fourteenth century, but few Crucifixions from this period present the balance of narrative, composition, and palette so subtly.
They shared a love of flowing lines, harmonious colour combinations and graceful expression of emotion. Painted Crucifixes of this kind were common features of Italian churches in the thirteenth and ...
A light-skinned man is nailed to a wooden cross. Blood flows from wounds on his hands, head, side, and feet. In the top left corner is a vignette of a man with a long white beard. Below the crucified ...
The astonishing Nazca Lines of Peru are one of the true wonders of the ancient world. The figures they form are still visible from the air despite the passage of approximately 2,000 years of time ...
The club also consisted of second and third teams. The second team (AMDG Milano II) lost to the first team in the final in 1938 and 1941. The third team (AMDG Milano III) lost to the second team in ...
The recent media coverage of social media mega-influencer Hannah Neeleman of Ballerina Farm has brought the "trad wife" movement into the spotlight and raised the question of whether women like ...
In 1786, 11 men gathered at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern in Boston to propose development of the area north of the Ohio River and west of the Allegheny Mountains known then as the Ohio Country. Led by ...
Customs and traditions in Greece and the Greek Islands are an important aspect of the culture. There are either of a religious character or coming from paganism. Furthermore, most of the traditions ...