But a year later, surrounded by tents and makeshift dwellings in the former sports stadium-turned-shelter, the couple feel hopeless and abandoned by those they thought would help them.
Vestiges of this agricultural commemoration appear in certain passages in the Bible, one of which indicates that the festival is to last seven days to mark the time period in which Israelites dwelt in ...
The production of flowers requires a great deal of water, and to feed the European appetite for cheap cut flowers, the blooms ...
“We’re working with individuals who are sleeping in tents, in cars, in makeshift dwellings, and we’re getting them into short term accommodation, while we can work with them on a longer term ...
Sharon Kim’s dream of homeownership didn’t originally include living with her oldest brother and his wife. Here’s how they ...
The family home was the equivalent of a cowshed, one of dozens of makeshift dwellings on a plot of unregistered land near the railway station. Years later, Son confessed to a friend that he ...