Security experts from HP point to a worrying trend: criminals are increasingly using generative AI to develop malware.
Violence against women continues to scar our society, but the European Union continues to combat the phenomenon in all forms.
The murders of many women over three decades led authorities to suspect multiple serial killers were involved.
De politie heeft dinsdagochtend in een pand in het dorp Zeeland een werkend drugslab ontdekt. In het lab was niemand aanwezig ...
The program includes 221 labs, attack vectors, hacking tools, a lab environment which simulates real-time environment and a ...
Officials said a body they believed to be that of suspected gunman Joseph A. Couch was found Wednesday near the site of the ...
Overall, crime incidents dipped 12% in Suffolk County and 18% in Nassau County, though it has seen some fluctuations by ...
International criminal investigators have taken the Ghost communication platform used by criminals offline.
Amendment 4 states that “no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to ...
Learn more about the fatal shooting of Genai Coleman in a mall parking lot in Gwinnett County, Georgia, and how DNA evidence ...
Police say a hunter in northeastern Wisconsin has discovered the skeletal remains of a 3-year-old boy who vanished in ...