After months of political uncertainty following a snap legislative election, France appeared on the cusp of a new government ...
Thousands of people took to the streets across France on Saturday to protest President Emmanuel Macron's decision to appoint ...
With a 57 per cent approval rating, Mr Barnier shot to the top of the popularity rankings ahead of three of his predecessors: ...
But just two months later, the story in Europe has grown a bit bleaker — not only in Germany, where this month the ...
Left-wing parties accuse Macron of stealing elections Demonstrations in 130 locations across France New PM Barnier faces ...
AI-generated falsehoods and deepfakes seem to have had no effect on election results in the UK, France, and the European ...
Newly appointed French leader faces an uphill battle to form a government with a fragmented parliament, an unhappy left wing, ...
Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across France, responding to a call from a far-left party leader who ...
米大統領選を前に、共和党候補であるトランプ前大統領(78)の安全が脅かされる事件が再び起きた。暗殺を計画していたとみられる男は訴追さ ...
米大統領選の中間の年に連邦議会の上下両院、州知事などの選挙が一斉に実施される中間選挙が11月8日に投開票されます。 2020米大統領選 2020年11 ...
GUINGAMP, France (AP) — Brest’s first-ever goal in European competition was scored at home but far away from its own stadium ...
【競技速報】ブレイキン 女子1次リーグB組第4試合 フランス―豪州 日程・結果〔パリオリンピック2024〕 📌ブレイキン特集ページはこちら [パリ ...