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  1. Rodan (MonsterVerse) - Gojipedia - Fandom

    • Rodan's original name, 'Radon', is based on the name Pteranodon, the extinct flying reptile that Rodan is primarily based on. The spelling of Radon in Japanese also corresponds to the name of Ladon, a drago… さらに表示


    This incarnation of Rodan has a larger wingspan compared to any of his previous incarnations. His physique overall bears a strong resemblance to a bird of prey. His head poss… さらに表示


    Unlike Godzilla and Mothra, Rodan appears to be an overall neutral Titan whose allegiance, after Ghidorah's (separate) victories against him and Godzilla is to whichever Titan currently occupies the alpha posi… さらに表示


    The MonsterVerse Rodan is a member of a prehistoric reptilian aerial superspecies that co-evolved alongside other giant monsters like Godzilla and the Titans, and were in contact with humans during ancient human times.Rod… さらに表示

  1. Rodan (Monsterverse) | Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia

    2024年10月29日 · Rodan (ラドン Radon) is a winged Titan who first appeared in a cave painting in the 2017 Legendary Pictures Monsterverse film Kong: Skull Island, and was later featured in the 2019 film Godzilla: King of the Monsters. He is the first incarnation of the character to appear in an American -made film.

  2. Rodan - MonsterVerse Wiki - Fandom

  3. RODAN(モンスターバース) (らどん)とは【ピクシブ百科事典】

  4. Rodan - Wikipedia

  5. Rodan (MonsterVerse) - Villains Wiki - Fandom

    After Godzilla kills Ghidorah, Rodan appears to react to Godzilla's presence in a challenging manner, but once Godzilla shoots Rodan down with a glare and a snort, Rodan becomes the first Titan to bow to Godzilla as the new

  6. Rodan - LordVerse Wiki

    Rodan (ラドン Radon) is a winged Titan who appeared in Godzilla: Lord of the Galaxy. Rodan is known as the fastest Titan on Earth. But his incredible flight speed and maneuverability aren't his only...

  7. Rodan the Flying Kaiju | Godzilla Monsterpedia

    2023年6月29日 · Preposterously powerful pterosaur kaiju. A carryover from the Cretaceous Period, pterosaur kaiju Rodan has terrorized Japan’s skies since 1956. Sometimes fighting Godzilla, while other times allying itself with the King of the Monsters to overcome greater threats, Rodan supersonically soars with the …

  8. Rodan ラドン [MonsterVerse] - Toho Kingdom

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